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HSBC Mortgage Rates

HSBC is a British bank that is considered the 6th largest bank on the globe. It is actually the largest bank in Europe, although ironically its history leads back to Hong Kong. The latest form of HSBC was formed in London by the HSBC in 1991 to act as a holding company but took its name from the Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Today the bank has over 3,900 offices spread out across 65 countries including Canada and serves over 38 million clients.

What are the different kinds of rates?

Banks offer different kinds of rates for mortgages. All of Canada’s big banks usually offer three types of rates: inflated rates used for reference, contracts and penalties; rates they post online or advertise to customers as special or limited time offers; and rates they keep quiet about but are the best rates, normally these are negotiated.

Posted Rates

Posted rates are the rates used to determine penalty fees. As a result, these rates are inflated to get banks more money. No one should be paying posted rates on a mortgage. They are used for reference and customers can negotiate or seek out better advertised rates from there.

Special Mortgage Rates

Special mortgage rates are the rates normally offered online or in advertisements as a limited time deal. They are not limited time deals or special in any way. They are lower than posted rates and generally what mortgage specialists can outright offer clients. However, smaller lenders and credit unions generally offer more competitive rates than the big banks’ special rates. Seeking out comparable loans and their rates can put you in a position to ask for even better rates than what big banks offer you as “special”.

Discretionary Rates

Discretionary rates are the good deals big banks can offer, but won’t openly tell clients about or advertise publicly. Banks will offer these rates to preferred clients, because they don’t want to lose their business. Ultimately, banks want business and any client, preferred or not, can negotiate rates down into the discretionary category.

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